Life’s a Hoot by Aliana Beck, Pencil, 19 x 16, $350.00

Summer Lovin’ by Aliana Beck, Watercolour, 12 x 15, $250.00

Garden Beauty by Aliana Beck, Watercolour, 12 x 15, $250.00

Pileated Woodpecker by Geff Blenkinsopp, Hand-cut copper on spalted birch and maple, 11 x 8.5x $290.00

Elk Island Aurora Borealis by Geff Blenkinsopp, Hand-cut copper on birch ply, with Birch branch, 12 x 12, $290.00

Yesteryear by Bob Coates, Acrylic, 18 x 22, $125.00

Ring O’ Roses by Marion Coates, Acrylic, 16” round, $200.00

Red Poppy Pod by Marion Coates, Acrylic, 24 x 24, $240.00

Park Trees by Marion Coates, Acrylic, 11 x 14, $140.00

Can I Play too? by Rochelle Colgan, Coloured Pencil, 11 x 9, $795.00

October Sunrise by Rochelle Colgan, Coloured Pencil, 6.25 x 4.5, $450.00

Below by Allison Dakin, Watercolour, 10 x 20, $425.00

Above by Allison Dakin, Watercolour, 10 x 20, $425.00

The Guardian by Chelsea Davis, Acrylic on Wood Panel, 6 x 6 x 1.5, $45.00

Luminous Flight by Chelsea Davis, Acrylic on Wood Panel, 6 x 6 x 1.5, $45.00

Horsing Around by Dalouie Dilling, Graphite, 13 x 19, NFS

Cluck Norris by Dalouie Dilling, Watercolour, 7.5 x 10.25, NFS

Canada Drops the Gloves by Dalouie Dilling, Watercolour, 6 x 10, NFS

Flow by Lisa Douziech, Soapstone, 10x6x8.25, $450.00

Sleeping Giant by Lisa Douziech, Soapstone, 10x4x8, $350.00

Windswept by Lisa Douziech, Soapstone, 5.25x3x9.25, $200.00

Fountain of Colour by Val Enders, Alcohol Ink, $300.00

Old Mill by John Garnier, Acrylic, 16x13, NFS

Pacific from Oregon by John Garnier, Acrylic, 16x13, NFS

Island by John Garnier, Acrylic, 16x13, NFS

Snowy Expression by Anthony Ignacio, Acrylic, 30x36, $1000

Rainy Day by Anthony Ignacio, Acrylic, 24x36, $950

Inspiration by Cindy James, Mixed Media on Cradle Board, 6 x 6, $125.00

Persistence by Cindy James, Mixed Media on Cradle board, 6 x 6, $125.00

Love, Keep me Warm by Cindy James, Encaustic Wax on Cradle board, 5” Round, $125.00

Serenity by Sarah Johnson, Photography, 16 x 24, $200.00

At Home by Sarah Johnson, Photography, 20 x 24, $250.00

Duality by Alex Ligtermoet, Digital, 24 x 18, $200.00

The Good Year by Marnie Main, Pastel, 12 x 12, NFS

Last Light by Marnie Main, Pastel, 12 x 15, $225.00

Sunny Climbers by Claire Maisonneuve, Oil, 12 x 24, $150.00

Maligne Lake Boathouse by Claire Maisonneuve, Oil, 12 x 24, $200.00

Iron Mine Bay by Theresa Muth, Photography, 20 x 30, $195.00

Along the East Sooke Road by Theresa Muth, Photography, 20 x 24, $175.00

Along the Rainforest Path by Theresa Muth, Photography, 16 x 20, $175.00

Twisted Tulips by Kathy Nimmons, Mixed Media: Ink, Watercolour, Acrylic, 17 x 19, $275.00

The Darian Gap by Kathy Nimmons, Mixed Media: Ink, Watercolour, Acrylic, 5.5 x 7, $45.00

Journey of Tears by Kathy Nimmons, Mixed Media: Ink, Watercolour, Acrylic, 5.5 x 7, $45.00

Lurking by Francoise Noel, Coloured Pencil, 10 x 10, $90.00

Minou Watching by Francoise Noel, Coloured Pencil, 9 x 6, $130.00

Avocet Reflected by Francoise Noel, Coloured Pencil, 8 x 8, $140.00

With Quiet Dignity by Doris Pinkoski, Watercolour, 16 x 20, $350.00

With Modest Grace by Doris Pinkoski, Watercolour, 16 x 20, $350.00

Take me out to the Ball Game by Dave Rhyno, Photography, 18 x 24, $150.00

Stand Tall by Dave Rhyno, Photography, 18 x 24, $150.00

36 Chevy RIP by Doug Sawka, Oil, 19 x 23, $195.00

83 Rue Claude Monet by Cathy Lea Scott, Pastel on Sanded Paper, 13 x 17, $425.00

Quiet Reflections by Maria Sieben, Collage, 11 x 14, $120.00

White Horse Creek by Maria Sieben, Collage, 16 x 16, $160.00

The Ramparts at Lumbreck Falls by Maria Sieben, Collage, 12 x 12, $100.00

Living Colorfully by Debbie Smith, Acrylic, 20 x 16, $325.00

Scarlet Rebellion by Debbie Smith, Acrylic, 15 x 30, $400.00

Livin on the Edge by Debbie Smith, Acrylic, 24 x 18, $400.00

Unbound by Dong Su, Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 36, $1,600.00

Get-Together by Dong Su, Acrylic on Canvas, 20 x 27, $900.00

Singing of Spirits by Dong Su, Acrylic on Canvas, 18 x 24, $850.00

Death Farm by Gabrielle Vandermeer, Acrylic with Oil glaze top coat, 18.5 x 39, $1200.00

Heritage Park Creek by Gabrielle Vandermeer, Acrylic, 18 x 24, $540.00

Poppies by Lynette Vinck, Acrylic, 16 x 12, $200.00

Crow by Warren Wenzel, Chlorite, 15 x 11 x 17, $2,000.00

Owl by Warren Wenzel, Soapstone Tapplewood, 14 x 8 x 8, $1,000.00

Owl by Warren Wenzel, Marble/Chlorite, 15 x 7 x 6, NFS

Floral Wonder by Carol Wrigglesworth, Soft Pastel, 13.25x10, $400.00

Bright Spot in the Patch by Carol Wrigglesworth, Soft Pastel, 11.5x8.75, $350.00

Henry’s Truck by Carol Wrigglesworth, Watercolour, 28x20.5, $650.00

Intrigue by Gail Seemann, Oil, 24x18, $540.00

Flowers in a Red Vase by Gail Seemann, Acrylic, 12x12, $150.00