Name: HYBRID by DESIGN: Indigo, B.A., B.Ed.

Artistic Practice:


I am open . . .

I am water ~

I am flowing openly ~

Cavity is open filling with nourishment;

With oxygen,

With all elements of the Universe —

. . . invigorating juices to create complete efficient totality!


Mixed Media: Painting * Photography * Crafts * Collage * Pastel * Coloured Pencil * Charcoal * Ink * Drawing * Poetry * Artwork PRINTS

Categories: Professional Artisana with HYBRID by DESIGN

I. Artisana for hire . . . commissions available


II. Art Tutorials ~ workshops/creative art parties enjoyable at any age

* For beginners / niveaux débutants

** Creating projects (together). . .along with You & Your friends / family

**Créons un projet pour Vous avec Vos amis / familles

Contact Information: Please contact HYBRID by DESIGN through the gallery at

Bio: Nature versus Nurture has been this eclectic artisana’s fine arts journey at HYBRID by DESIGN. The narrative, Nature vs Nurture, is inspired from her passion for experimental photography. Her commissions then cross-over to mixed media paintings and sculpted pottery pieces. Much of her work is sold as products: magnets, cards, jigsaw puzzles, scarves and coming soon clothing (see website tba). Indigo periodically enjoys facilitating art workshops --lead for beginners at any age. Learning anew demonstrates a healthy mind set just as much as foodies love to eat! She is influenced by Van Gogh's vibrant use of colours; the monochromatic styles of Picasso; and the light brushstrokes of Claude Monet. Indigo prefers painting abstract and impressionist styles. And yet, her wares consistently demonstrate an openness to new forms of expression. Complemented by her teachers as highly imaginative, she first let loose through contemporary jazz and theatre. She later went onto emcee-ing events utilizing her certifications in alternate wellness: pilates, laughter leadership, yoga and meditation. She has dabbled in the bilingual written word : short stories and poetry slams. Capturing real life surroundings, Indigo enjoys creating anew vision with every new series of wares, sold. She continues to be inspired with photography creating visions on canvas by painting in acrylic/oil and mixed media: organics, pastel, pencil, charcoal and ink. Indigo's artistic perspective holds true in Shara Bradshaw's words: how can I see beauty if I refuse to see all? 💜 Namaste

NATURE versus NURTURE series . . .


