Acrylic or Watercolour Developmental Painting -7 Mondays 12:45-345p, April 28-June 16

Acrylic or Watercolour Developmental Painting -7 Mondays 12:45-345p, April 28-June 16


For those with some painting experience, students can choose to work in either watercolour or acrylic. Cindy will help you further develop your painting skills with demos and technical assistance . Paint seasonal landscapes, mountains and florals, or a project of your choice. Receive demonstrations and hands-on individual assistance with technique and composition. Beginner to intermediate level.

A smaller class with each student at their own station. 12 students max. For student comfort we have added an air purifier to the classroom

7 Mondays: 12:45-3:45 p.m.

April 28-June 16, no class on May 19

$210/person plus supplies, $189 for AAC members

Instructor: Cindy Barratt

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